Apk Share allows you to share apk file, you can now easy share installed applications from one phone to other via Bluetooth, Email, Dropbox etc. Apk Share allows you to open PlayStore page of application it also open application settings page and you can uninstall any application from apk share.
Apk Share show your applications with a list and these installed applications can be backup in the phone storage and the storage location is <b> sdcard/apkShareBackup </b>.
You can select multiple applications to share at once.
- Share application via Bluetooth, email, Dropbox etc.
- Backup application(apk) file into phone memory.
- Open PlayStore page of installed application.
- Open settings page of installed application.
- Uninstall multiple applications.
<b>- Details of installed application:</b>
- Package name of application.
- Version name and version code.
- Application, data and cache size.
- Installed date and updated date.
- Application's permissions, Activities, Background services, Receivers.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>